I used:
- flash 10
- flock/firefox
- ce 5.5
- Go into Sea Pets.
- Select browser in ce5.5, enable speedhack value "0.2-0.5" (any value is fine as long as you are quick enough to scan the score)
- Play the ball game, when the ball is in the air, set speedhack value to "0"
- Scan the current ball score. Keep playing and scanning until you have only 2 addresses left
- Double click both address and change the value to 9999999
- Set speedhack value to "1"
- Now you will have lots of exp points.
- For coins, just scan the current coin value, get more coins, next scan the new value until 2 addresses left
- Change those 2 values to any amount you want. Play with your pet a few times to allow the game to auto save first.
- Finally, save the game and refresh. you will be at max level. "Poseidon Himself"
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